Tori 🐦

Language Learner | Writer


Native: EnglishTarget Language(s): ASL(A1), High Valyrian(A1), Swedish(A2)Other languages I speak: a little bit of Cantonese(A2)I can read in: SwedishI can listen in: Cantonese, Swedish, Mandarin(A2)Languages I want to return to: Dutch, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, LatinLanguages I gave up on: Romanian, French, IcelandicNew Languages I want to learn:
Esperanto, Māori, Korean


I'm super picky about books and will not hesitate to DNF them.Current Reads:
- The Hustler by Walter Tevis
Favorite Books:
- The Queen's Gambit
- The Secret History
- I Wrote This For You: Please Find It
- Every Word You Cannot Say
- There's a Tale to this City
- Their Eyes Were Watching God
- American Gods

Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Dark/Light Academia, Literary Fiction, Contemporary, Humor/Satire, History, Philosophy, Poetry, Short Stories, Psychology